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Bacterial Membrane-coated Nanoparticle (BM-NP) Engineering Technology

Cell membrane-coated nanoparticles have recently emerged as a unique anti-virulence approach against infectious diseases. Given their high levels of immunogenic proteins and adjuvants, bacterial cell membranes represent a novel and potentially optimal source of cellular membrane material. Focused on cell-membrane coating technology services for years, Creative Biolabs has developed bacterial membrane-coated nanoparticle (BM-NP) engineering technology to provide BM-NP development services for global customers.

Application of Bacterial Membrane Coated Nanoparticles (BM-NP)

Scientists coated cell membranes derived from Escherichia coli (E. coli) with gold nanoparticles (NPs). Scientists injected mice with a subcutaneous dose of the bacterial membrane NPs (BM-AuNPs), and they demonstrated that the particles were tracked to proximal draining lymph nodes. The particles effectively activated dendritic cells (DCs) as evidenced by both higher overall CD11c+DC levels and higher frequencies of a cluster of differentiation (CD)40/CD80/CD86-positivity among DCs in the lymph nodes.

When scientists further explored specific B cell-mediated immunity against the bacteria by measuring antibodies specific for E. coli, they found that mice vaccinated with the BM-AuNPs exhibited higher avidity antibody than did mice vaccinated with vesicles composed of only the outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). The interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and interleukin (IL)-17 levels were higher for mice immunized using BM-AuNPs relative to those immunized with OMVs, suggesting the former are more effective for T cell activation.

Scientists explored the potential use of bacteria membrane-coated NPs for active targeting efforts. The researchers utilized poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) NPs coated in Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus)-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs). Particles were able to actively traffic to S. aureus-infected macrophages in vitro, and to major sites of S. aureus infection in vivo in mice. Compared with uninfected controls, the EV-coated particles were more readily accumulated in organs with a higher bacterial burden (the kidney, spleen, lungs, and heart) in infected mice.

Timeline of the vaccination schedule.Fig.1 Chronology of immunization protocols.1

Our BM-NP Technology

Creative Biolabs offers a range of BM-NPs services, supported by an experienced team of scientists working with the latest technology. In our company, BM-NPs can be separated into three key steps: membrane extraction, inner core nanocarrier production, and the fusion process, each of which is key to resultant NP functionalization. Generally, we offer two methods for you to make BM-NPs.

Recently, we also provide a microfluidic system that combines rapid mixing with electroporation.

Creative Biolabs provides a comprehensive range of customized, high-quality services to support the BM-NP industry and related biomedical sciences research communities worldwide. Our professional team is willing to share our long-standing experience with global customers. If you want to know more information, please directly contact us.


  1. Sanchez-Villamil, Javier I., Daniel Tapia, and Alfredo G. Torres. "Development of a gold nanoparticle vaccine against enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157: H7." MBio 10.4 (2019): 10-1128. Distributed under Open Access license CC BY 4.0, without modification.

All services are only provided for research purposes and Not for clinical use.

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